Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Em Clima de São João - Bakari's Party in LA & Campina Grande Festival in Brazil

It's time for the Biggest Festival in the Northeast of Brazil. 
Our Column starts this week by visiting a São João celebration in LA.I went to this amazing Brazilian party & had a blast with all the surprises. A lot of forró, typical food, fun people, Dj Chris Brazil and much more.We even tried having a big balloon just like we do in Brazil. The party was promoted by the guy we all love in our Brazilian community in LA,the famous Bakari.Good job my friend,It was a really fun night among friends!
Quase vestidas a caráter  :)

Bakari trying to succeed with the his big ballon

Here is more flashes of the party!!

My Gringos friends loved São João

 The Crowd & Decoration
 Bakari & I

Matutinhas lindas!
Isabelle,eu e as Patricias :)

 Turma animada!!
Dj Chris Brazil
Veronica arrazou no modelito!!

That was some of the fun we had at the party!!

After my Los Angeles celebration of São João, I flew to Brazil,I couln't help it, I had to go to the real São João after 7 years living in LA. I finally visited Campina Grande again, the city that hosts: O maior São João do Mundo!
The photos are the best way to describe the experience!

Parque do Povo- Campina Grande- Pb- Brazil 

Friends & Family

 Love them!

Greatest Moments
 Eu & Katia Freire- The best Makeup artist in the world!
Warm up Party!

My beautiful pregnant syster & I :)

 Fun Moments!

Let's go to a different place now,Villa Forró!

Live forró bands,typical food,bonfire, firework & Much more! 

Delicious food made with a lot of corn!

 In the middle of the crowd- Show de Bruno e Marrone
Show de Bruno e Marrone. Muito bom!
The crew!

My sister & I!

The best part is the Celebration with my big  Family, you ready?

Mom,my sister & I
They are Soooooooooooooooooo Cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
My outfit!!

The Food!

Family is everything to me!!

 Manoela will be born soon.I'm so excited!

 Grandma, we love you!

 Afilhado lindo!

E este foi o são João da Familia Claudino!


sa said...

SUCESSO prima!!!
nosso SJ foi bom d+++++!!
te espero na minha formaturaaaaaa =D

Rayssa Claudino said...

Adorei essa idéia de ter um blog pra postar fotos... vou lhe imitar! hehehe
Eu fui la pra frente ver Eliane, mas não vi voces... era muita gente!

About this Blog said...

KKKKKKKKK... Eu so fui la para frente ver Bruno e Marrone, nem imaginei que fosse aguentar.. Eliane foi otimo tb..fazia tempo que eu nao curtia Sao Joao..adorei..Vc ta otima na foto... Faça um blog tb.. O meu da um pouco mais de trabalho..mas é recompensador :) bjs